Posts tagged with ‘Specialist’

  • Lip Filler – Lip Injections Austin

    By on July 23, 2015

    LIP FILLER SPECIALIST | LIP INJECTIONS AUSTIN Full and vivacious lips have always been recognized as aesthetically important features....

    Kristin Gunn | Austin Botox

    By on March 17, 2015

    BOTOX FOR DIMPLED CHIN: DOES IT WORK? Did you know that Botox can actually help minimize the appearance of...

    Kristin Gunn | Austin Botox
  • Restylane Silk Austin

    By on March 13, 2015

    Restylane Silk: Designed specifically for lips and the lines around them For a silky, smooth natural-looking smile. Restylane Silk has recently been...

    Kristin Gunn | Austin Botox