Posts tagged with ‘Austin’


    By on March 17, 2015

    BOTOX FOR DIMPLED CHIN: DOES IT WORK? Did you know that Botox can actually help minimize the appearance of...

    Kristin Gunn | Austin Botox
  • Botox Platysmal Band Neck Lift

    By on March 17, 2015

    Botox works well for hyperactive bands formed by an active platysma muscle but its not going to work for...

    Kristin Gunn | Austin Botox
  • Restylane Silk Austin

    By on March 13, 2015

    Restylane Silk: Designed specifically for lips and the lines around them For a silky, smooth natural-looking smile. Restylane Silk has recently been...

    Kristin Gunn | Austin Botox