Cosmetic Fillers & Facial Rejuvenation
If you want to rejuvenate your skin without undergoing any aggressive surgical procedures, anti wrinkle injections may be your best option. These injections and dermal fillers are increasing in popularity because they are safer and less expensive than surgery. You can regain the youthful vitality of your skin after just one treatment, and the effects can last for months.
Cosmetic Fillers & Facial Rejuvenation: Dermal fillers are ideal for filling in creases and lines, plumping up the lips and cheeks, and enhancing facial contours. People still come to me who want “just the nasolabial folds” filled. This was the gold standard years ago. This however does nothing to address the cause of the problem, which is a loss of volume in the face. To address that, you need to add some volume to the cheek area. Going to https://www.revelyou.com/face/facelift/ can help you decide the kind of procedure you would want to get for yourself to feel more confident.
Adding cosmetic fillers such as Perlane or Voluma and undergoing Wellesley Cosmetic Surgery to the cheek area will provide volume to improve the overall balance of the face. When done correctly, no one will know that you have had anything done. Replacing the volume of the face should not make you look over-filled and “Real Housewives of Hollywood” looking, but should simply have an effect of lifting the face.
Depending on genetics, volume loss can be noticeable in your late 20’s or late 40’s. If you are a sun worshipper who slathered yourself in baby oil in the 80’s, you may have done a number on the collagen and elastin in your skin. Many of my clients report a shadowing under the eyes due to volume loss in the area, flattened cheeks and droopy jowls. Signs of aging seem to be more apparent around the eye area and the mouth. If you are a smoker, it is quite likely that your smokers lines have deepened over time. With the help of Dr Preema London hydrafacial treatments you can rejuvenate your skin and make it look beautiful as ever.
With a cosmetic filler treatment like these dermal fillers in Wichita, KS, the filler becomes a part of your skin as your own cells grow around the “scaffolding”, one of the things to consider before a facelift such as this PRP facelift in Oklahoma City, OK. Cosmetic fillers also cause your body to increase collagen production in the area of injection. With age, your skin loses collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid by producing these substances as slower rates. Many dermal fillers feature natural ingredients to replenish the skin’s supply and restore a youthful look.